How to heal Leaky gut and IBS naturally

How to heal Leaky gut and IBS naturally   Fatigue, bloating, inflamed skin & food sensitivities are accepted as the norm in today’s society. In fact, many people put up with these uncomfortable symptoms for most of their lives without understanding why they...

Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety Once again the year has passed quickly and we find ourselves into that time of year called fall. The trees are changing into vibrate colours and there is that morning crispness in the air. Animals are collecting foods to store in preparation of winter...

Refined Sugar

Refined Sugar Sugar consumption has steadily risen in recent years and the USDA now reports that the average American consumes around 150 pounds of sugar per year. Sodas and energy drinks are a major source of refined sugars in the American diet, and even fruit juices...

Suggestions to have a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving

Suggestions to have a Healthy Happy Thanksgiving With Thanksgiving the start of the holiday season, temptations are all around us, and making healthy and smart food choices can be challenging. The average North American may consume more than 3,500 calories and 229...

Why Do Children Need Chiropractic Care?

Why Do Children Need Chiropractic Care? Your child has a spine and nervous system that need cared for just like an adult. It is actually even more important to have your children checked as infancy and childhood are impressionable times of rapid growth and development...

Help Your Kids Stress Less for School

Help Your Kids Stress Less for School   The most common mental health disorder in children today is anxiety, especially when faced with school. When school is back in session, children are faced with alot of emotional, social, and educational challenges that they...

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To your health,

Dr. Andrea Ferretti and

The Holistic Practice Team

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